Hey this tis' RaNDoMiZeR! I have started a new blog!!! HUZZA! As you can probably see, this is a caption blog. My other blog wasn't Caption-E enough for me! So here is the FIRST photo to caption. Winners will be announced Next Friday!
HOW'S THIS FOR BIRD WATCHING?!??!?!?! Bird-watchers are so freaky...They watch us do everything...BATHING is NOT public! It's not supposed to be filmed you freaks!!
Can you see me now?
Objects may appear larger that they are!
Why do birds, sud-den-ly appear.....
Bird brigade commander to bird ...."FIRE"!
Can someone get me a wipe?My binoculars are blurry!
Yes, Captain, we have taken out a large number of their troops...they are now bringing in the birds!
Send in the (clowns)birds!
Bird-watchers are so freaky...They watch us do everything...BATHING is NOT public! It's not supposed to be filmed you freaks!!
you need another eye to see something???
Does this make my beak look fat?
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